Website design is an important part of your business and it needs to be done right in order to boost your website traffic and conversion rates. We’ve put together this article to help you learn about the many benefits of good website design and how you can use them to improve your own site’s traffic, conversions, and ultimately your bottom line.

Website Design Affects Sales
A poorly designed website can turn away potential customers and hurt sales. A lot of e-commerce websites are heavy on text, making them less appealing to potential buyers. Visitors will abandon these sites quickly in favor of visually pleasing websites that are easy to navigate. People make snap judgments about websites, so if yours isn’t as beautiful as your competitors’, they won’t have a reason to stick around and explore your products or services.

Website Design Makes Users Happy
A poor website design will turn away users, but a good design will keep them coming back. More than half of internet users say that visual appeal of a website affects their decision to return or recommend it, and studies show that people spend more time on sites with simple designs over those with complicated ones. A solid site design allows customers to find what they’re looking for quickly and easily, as well as interact with your brand in an intuitive way. After all, you never get a second chance at a first impression!

Website Design Reflects Company Image
If your website isn’t attractive, professional and well-designed, it tells potential customers that you don’t care about their opinion of your business. According to a survey done by Nielsen Norman Group in 2010, 40% of visitors to a website will not return if they are dissatisfied with its look and feel. In fact, 86% of respondents reported that visual appeal was important when judging brands online.

Website Design Can Go Viral
Studies have shown that website design can significantly impact a site’s success. For example, one of Facebook’s most interesting features was its user profile. It created an immersive experience that brought users into their world. Most businesses don’t have a budget for creating immersive experiences, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make great design choices.

The Best Web Designs Have Personality
Businesses want their website to convey an image of professionalism, so they hire an expert to design a functional website. But business owners should also make sure their website stands out and has personality. A personal touch can encourage prospective customers to engage with your brand, making them more likely to remember you when they’re ready to buy.


Website Designs are Innovative, New and Creative
A website design can be innovative, new and creative, especially if it’s based on a strategy that isn’t just another replica of what other designers are doing. If your website design is original in form and function, users may remember you. Some of them may even want to hire you for your awesome design skills or recommend you to friends who are looking for site designs.

How Website Designs Can Influence Viewers’ Habits
Web design shapes viewer behavior, such as reading a page in a particular order or clicking on certain links. Even though website viewers have much more leeway in their browsing habits than they used to, web designers still play an important role in shaping viewers’ habits and influencing their decisions. If you want your website to stand out among competitors’ sites, you should know that a site’s web design plays an influential role on how users interact with it and browse content.





Until Next Time, “Don’t Do What Tony Stark Would Do, Do Your Own Thing”
-Loud Mouthed Website Designers

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